
Candela GentleYAG Cosmetic Laser

Gentle Yag is efficient at Hair removal, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, leg veins and facial veins and rejuvenate the skin. The Candela Gentle YAG Cosmetic Laser is versatile, fast, powerful. Treats All Skin Types – The Gentle YAG ideal for all skin types because of the deep penetration with minimal scattering of laser energy, especially for dark and tanned skin. No Downtime for Laser Procedures – The Candela GentleYAG Cosmetic Laser is the only 1064 nm laser that uses the Dynamic Cooling Device to protect and cool the skin during the laser procedure. DCD maximizes patient comfort and epidermal protection by delivering a shot of cryogen to the skin prior to each laser pulse. DCD reduces the need for cooling gels and topical anesthesia, and permits for quick patient recovery.

Candela GentleYAG Cosmetic Laser Applications Laser hair removal

-Non-ablative skin rejuvenation -Skin tightening -Vascular Lesions -Leg veins -Facial veins -Wrinkle reduction

Aerolase Laser

Our Aerolase laser we offer is an Aerolase 1064 Yag. We have different lenses for different treatments. It can help with veins, scar revision, acne scars, acne pitting, and hair removal. It is available for any colour of skin! The laser can bypass the pigment in the skin and go directly to the spot we want to treat!

LightPod Neo Treating Rosacea


Fixing Under Eye Circles with Aerolase


Before & Afters


After 1 Treatment

Hair Removal

After 5 Treatments

Pigmented Lesion

After 2 Treatments​


After 2 Treatments


After 2 Treatments​


After 2 Treatments


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You'll always look and feel your best when you book with Windsor-Essex's premier laser experts

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